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What is nbn™?

What is nbn™?

The word is out. Most of Australia will be moving over to an nbn™ internet connection by the year 2020, but there’s still a big question on everyone’s mind. What actually is nbn™?

nbn™ or National Broadband Network is a mini-revolution, dragging Australia’s slow as heck internet into the future. While a few concessions were made along the way, the network that most of us will be connecting to will be a lot better than what we’ve had in the past.  

The big differences


The biggest difference between ADSL and nbn™ is the infrastructure used to get the internet from wherever it comes from, to your laptop. Depending on your location, the nbn may use some of your existing copper cables, new fibre optic cables or other technologies, which means that the internet will get to you a bit quicker than before. The end result? A better internet experience.


Unlike ADSL, you’ll get a choice when it comes to speed with nbn™. If you live in a small household, and only use the internet a little, you can stick to the basic speed. If you have a full house, and you like to stream movies or are into online gaming, you’d be better suited to a faster speed tier. Most providers will give you the option to change speeds as you need to, so there’s greater flexibility when it comes to choosing the internet experience that’s best for you.

Check out the Dodo speed tiers here for more info on what’s right for you.

What do you need to do

Connecting to nbn™ is pretty easy. All you need to do is choose a provider, like Dodo, and sign-up. You’ll need to be nbn™ ready before you can connect. Being nbn™ ready just means that the nbn™ has connected your house to the network. Once you’ve signed up, we’ll do all the hard work in the background, chat to nbn™ to organise installation and send you a new nbn™ compatible modem. Next steps are to plug in and go. Of course, if you’re already a Dodo customer, we’ll get in touch when it’s time for you to switch.

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